Imphal, Feb 24 (IANS) A 24-year-old student was killed while another student was seriously injured in a blast near the DM University complex in Imphal late on Friday night, the police said on Saturday.
The police said that a powerful bomb, suspected to be an improvised explosive device (IED), went off near the compound of the DM University in Imphal West district. Of the two seriously injured people, Oinam Kenegy succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.
The injured student is undergoing treatment at the hospital where his condition is stated to be critical.
The blast took place near the office of the All Manipur Students Union (AMSU), a leading student body in Manipur. Both the deceased and injured student were members of the AMSU.
The police are yet to confirm who were responsible for the blast. No outfit or individual has claimed responsibility for the blast so far.
After the blast, security forces rushed to the area and launched a search operation to nab the perpetrators.
Meanwhile, there were also reports of arson and firing at the premises of a civil society organisation in Manipur.
In another incident, unidentified persons vandalised the administrative portion of a school building and torched a vehicle parked on the premises of the school in Imphal East district on Saturday, the police said.
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